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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Breathing Techniques During Exercise : Nose vs Mouth

Breathing Techniques : The majority of us think that mouth breathing, which allows more oxygen to reach our muscles during strenuous exercise, is the optimum strategy. The act of breathing through our noses appears automatic and unnecessary. But as we exercise, a lot of us become more aware of our breath, sometimes even thinking about what we inhale.


Most people typically inhale through their nose and exhale through their lips when they engage in lighter to moderate intensity workouts like walking or cycling. However, when activity intensity rises, we inevitably make the switch to mouth breathing exclusively. Studies contradict popular belief that deep mouth breathing is the most efficient exercise strategy.

According to research, nose breathing may utilize less oxygen than mouth breathing during exercise of varied intensities. Even while it may not appear advantageous right away, this basically means that you can exercise just as well with less oxygen intake.


Additionally, less air is taken in when you breathe via your nose. This is due to the fact that your nostrils are significantly smaller than your mouth, which restricts how much oxygen you can inhale at once. Studies have also shown that people typically breathe less deeply through their nostrils while exercising, which can make it feel less enjoyable.

Understanding that air goes from high pressure to low pressure, which facilitates its passage into the lungs through the nose, is crucial in this situation. Therefore, even though each breath taken through the nose may contain less oxygen, the pressure is higher, allowing air to enter the respiratory system more quickly.

More About Breathing Techniques

This implies that even with less oxygen intake per breath, working muscles may nevertheless receive it more effectively. Further evidence that there is no appreciable variation in heart rate between nasal and mouth breathing during the same exercise comes from the fact that exhaling through the nose likewise expels more oxygen.


Finally, it would appear that nasal breathing while running would be advantageous. It increases the effectiveness of your actions, lessens the amount of airborne particles you breathe in, lowers exercise-induced blood pressure, and improves the efficiency with which oxygen reaches your working muscles.


As they depend on energy sources other than oxygen, such the glycogen we store in our muscles, other exercise kinds (like weight lifting) have less conclusive data. However, oxygen is still needed for recovery during these processes, which come to an end when exercise ceases.

It takes practice to get good at exercising while only breathing through your nose. It’s not something that should be proclaimed right away. Starting out unprepared could result in “air hunger,” a condition in which a tiny amount of carbon dioxide is still present at the end of each breath. Hyperventilation and pain may result from this.


It’s true that practice makes perfect in everything. Avoid forcing air into your lungs when practicing nose breathing. Allow your body time to acclimate while taking it easy. Make sure your tongue is near the roof of your mouth to relieve pressure on the muscles in your jaw and face, which facilitates nasal breathing.

Until you get used to breathing through your nose exclusively, you might find it helpful to switch between doing so and doing so via your mouth. The procedure gets more natural the more you practice it. Nasal breathing may be very beneficial when used during activity; just be patient and give your body some time to adjust. This will reduce the likelihood of pain and hyperventilation.

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